Economic development programs

In Indonesia, ExxonMobil has developed a microfinance program to foster entrepreneurship. The main targets are women and people with disability, so they gain the opportunity to unlock new skills, generate income, and improve their financial situation.

Furthermore, this program gives small and collateral free loans by implementing a group-based credit system. The peer monitoring system ensures the borrowers allocate the budget responsibly, repay the loan in a timely manner, and maintain their good credit standing.

As a result, since 2008, the program has benefited more than 37,800 people in Polewali Mandar, Bojonegoro, Blora, and Tuban regencies.

In addition, ExxonMobil has launched various entrepreneurship programs to enhance job opportunities that have benefited over 3,000 community members. It’s performed through vocational and youth entrepreneurship training, a livestock nourishment program, a community peer group, a cooperative for agribusiness manufacturers (Koperasi Produsen Agribisnis), and Business Incubator Center.

Furthermore, ExxonMobil also promotes using alternative energy by using biogas reactors for household activities. Since 2013, we have built 323 biogas reactors, aiding more than 1,000 households in Bojonegoro and Tuban regencies. Besides supporting household industries, biogas energy also enabled job opportunities for the neighborhood

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